At Gencer Packaging, while being a pioneering organization in our industry, we have adopted environmental awareness and sustainability as one of our core principles. We recognize that climate change poses a global threat and are committed to taking a proactive role in this matter.
In this context, we have established a "Climate Change Policy." This policy outlines our company's commitments and actions related to climate change.
Key Points of Our Climate Change Policy:
Our Sustainability Efforts:
Under our climate change policy, we are taking many important steps. Through energy efficiency investments, we have significantly reduced our energy consumption. Additionally, we are working on using recycled and sustainably sourced raw materials. In our product development processes, we manage waste and operate with a "zero waste" policy.
Our Leadership Role:
We not only embrace sustainability in our own operations but also collaborate with our suppliers and customers on this issue. We demand that our suppliers adhere to sustainability principles and offer environmentally friendly products to our customers. As a pioneering organization in our sector, we play a significant role in combating climate change.
At Gencer Packaging, we are determined to contribute to a sustainable future. By continuously pursuing our efforts in this area, we aim to contribute to a healthier environment for everyone.